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How to Be a Well-Paid Freelance Blogger Love to blog?

Yes, you can turn writing blog posts into a living. If you’ve tried putting ads on your blog and didn’t earn much, know that there’s a more reliable way to turn your blogging skill into cash. You can use your blog as a writing sample to get paid blogging gigs from businesses and online magazines. Here’s the e-book that explains exactly how to turn your personal blog into a referral machine that brings you great-paying freelance clients: How to be a Well-Paid Freelance Blogger is the e-book version of a 4-week Freelance Writers Den bootcamp that originally cost $197 for nonmembers. Now, you can get all the tips we gave out in over five hoursof instruction, in handy e-book form and at a super-affordable price!

Inside tips from four pro freelance bloggers

I got together with three other blogging experts — Sean Platt, Annabel Candy, and Greg Ciotti — and we shared all our best tips on paid blogging. We talked for over five hours. Then, we boiled down all the key points for you into this handy, 140-page bible for how to get good-paying blogging gigs. Not the $5 or $10 kind — we’re talking regular, ongoing blogging gigs at $100 a post, $150 and even more. Better yet, the e-book includes a 20-page Action Plan workbook for taking the points covered in the e-book and putting them into action with your own blog!

What’s in this e-book? Here’s what we’ve got for you:

  • 21 keys to set up your blog as a great writing sample that gets you hired.
  • How to guest blog to draw attention to your blogging and attract great prospective clients.
  • Concrete steps to get visitors, comments, and social shares for your blog posts.
  • How to identify prospects who pay well for guest posts — and get them to hire you.
  • How to write blog posts for businesses that get them new clients.
  • We’ve even thrown in a bonus chapter on how to skyrocket your freelance blogging pay as a content strategist.

Early reviews for How to Be a Well-Paid Freelance Blogger:

Screen Shot 2014-04-08 at 6.46.02 PM“You’ll learn how to hone in on your niche, create informative blog posts with style and get the word out about them so you can command the big bucks from clients in How to Be a Well-Paid Freelance Blogger by Carol Tice and friends. It’s packed with information from the experts you won’t find anywhere else–and it’s fun to read. This is one e-book deserving of a prime spot on your e-shelf.”–Shari Held
Screen Shot 2014-04-08 at 6.44.53 PM“I have been blogging for several years in a niche market. Reading “How To Become A Well Paid Freelance Blogger,” was an eye-opening experience. The book is full of practical ways to develop a blog into a profitable business. It was easy to understand and apply. The information was more than useful; it was practical! There is a great lack of practical books on blogging. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is building or interested in building a blog based business.”–Jon Clayton
Natalie Rotonda“Freelance blogging can be a lucrative career. In their book, “How to Be a WELL-PAID Freelance Blogger,” Carol Tice, Annabel Candy, Sean Platt, and Greg Ciotti lay it all out for you. Do what they tell you, and sooner than you could ever imagine, you’ll be enjoying the life of a well-paid blogger.”–Natalie M. Rotunda, Business Writer
Screen Shot 2014-04-08 at 8.02.45 PM“Avoid a lot of mistakes and wasted effort by reading this book as soon as you decide to go freelance! Well-organized, easy to read, and chock-full of advice from four experts who cover everything from blog style to your writer website to networking to rate negotiation. I keep referring back to relevant parts as I develop my own business, and am exploring every link in it.”–Sabriga Turgon
“Wow, I’m loving the e-book. I’ve read a bunch of books on freelancing and the ilk – for research or myself – but man oh man, this has been one breezy read. And useful! Great work all around.”–Bryce Bladon,
Look inside
Need more info on what’s in Well-Paid Blogger? No problem! Here’s a download for you with the table of contents and a sample chapter:


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